Well, we didn’t dream long, because before I knew it, we had mailed invites for 40 and were gathering more dishware than any of us thought was possible. Three weeks (and an ungodly amount of group emails) later, the night was upon us. The tables were gorgeous with mixed dishware on simple white clothes, cut up spring fabrics for napkins, mason jar water glasses, and some foraged (wink wink) flowers and we had ourselves a bash. I rarely admit to feeling this way, but this time I have no problem saying that the night was spectacular. This is because everything went off as planned, but because of how much everyone enjoyed themselves and the fact that you could feel our guests were caught up in the spirit of the evening. I was busy as could be that night so I didn’t have a chance to snap photos however, here is a quick picture of the most important element of the night, the menu:

Fava Bean Crostini
Rock Crab on Micro Greens
Wild Salad with a Pear Vinaigrette
A Trio of Tarts
Pickled Carrots
A Citrus Coconut Ice Cream
Orange Walnut Crisps
And of course we finished off the evening with our homemade Limoncello. Cheers to Spring!